Sunday, April 26, 2009

Believe nothing, question everything

We continue to live with and accept all the social conditioning that surrounds us. I finally woke up to all the injustice i was putting myself through and decided to stand against all the nonsense i was instilled with while growing up. For instance, take guilt, its the most useless and wasted emotion. Nothing good ever comes of it. Guilt is a weapon, a social conditioning weapon that people use on you because when you feel guilty you don't assert your thoughts, your rights. Trust me when i say that, i have lived with it for way too long, feeling guilty for being happy, feeling guilty for doing what i want to do and every time i have experienced happiness or joy and never being able to voice my needs or desires. And now finally i am able to see beyond all this crap, beyond all this unnecessary baggage. Unfortunately when you come from a broken home its very difficult to not blame yourself for things beyond reason at times and that's what happened to me too. Guilt will take you wherever you let it take you or you want to go and that is very dangerous. Of course now, I've moved way ahead from all of this now, however when i look back i cant help but feel angry at myself. I have come to forgive myself for being what i was and embrace the new me. It sounds insane doesn't it but i believe its important to acknowledge how one feels about oneself. Most times we ignore it, and that damages things within us further. Its time to stop blaming others and yourself and to take that first step towards your betterment, towards mending whats wrong, towards filling those gaps. 

The time to hesitate is through, its time to believe in nothing and question everything. 

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