Thursday, June 30, 2011

Status : Married

Well i never did believe that i would actually be married in this lifetime, you may ask why or you may think oh here's another wannabe trying to prove god knows what! Hmmm, it may seem really ho hum but my reason not to really marry was the fact that not one marriage has lasted in my family (my mother's side mostly). My parents separated, my grand parents were separated, my mum's brother divorced (not once but twice), another uncle never married and my aunt (mum's sister) remained married to an asshole just so she could bring up her son. She eventually died when she wasn't even 40 and i completely hold her husband responsible for her death! I shall leave that for another post!

To tell you the truth the only reason i think i am married is because I'm married to my husband, funny sentence eh, well what I'm trying to say is if it were any other guy i dint think i would've married. I'm married to someone who just lets me be (and i can be quite a pain to live with honestly, more on this too in a later post) it may seem like a simple thing but can you imagine living with someone with whom you can just be yourself with 24/7?? I know i can and I'm sure there are fortunate people like me out there, at the same time i also know that there are more unfortunate people who can't be themselves with the so called people they love or are married to. I'm just glad I'm not one of em!

I don't have to worry about farting in bed or waking up next to him with bad breath or brush my teeth (in the same loo) while he empties his bladder! :)

I love you PWF and I'm glad you're my husband!

And i'm back

Its been more than a year since i last updated my blog, its not that I've run out of things to write about but just that I've been busy being lazy if you get my drift! I have so many threads(thoughts, ideas, plans, complaints blah blah blah) going on simultaneously in my head that i finally decided to do something about it and what better way to do it than blog it all out eh :)