Interesting statements but unnerving for sure. I hate to admit a few things mentioned below but what can I say, reality does shock you more than it pleases. I was hurt a while ago but I’ve begun to take things in my stride now. I feel much better after having spoken to him, a lengthy conversation at that and well it was comforting in a way. I tend to over analyze and that's not necessarily a good thing at times. I feel better but I can’t say for sure if I’m feeling great because that's how I normally feel, great, about my relationship. Not to say that I feel different about it now, I'm guessing it’s just a phase and as I always say this too shall pass. If I wanted, I could go on and on about how unhappy this has made me and blah blah blah but I’d rather just let it be and look forward to meeting him this weekend. I can’t wait to meet him, hold him tight and let him know how much I've missed him all this while and maybe I’ll forget all about this conversation in no time.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Statements from a conversation II
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Statements from a conversation
I don’t want to get married... not for another two years at least... I want to experience my freedom...
Will we still be happy if we were cheating on each other?
I still love you, no matter how fucked up it gets I will still always love you...
We are very comfortable with each other, maybe too comfortable and I think that might not be a great thing...
Let’s talk when we both have a clear head...
I don’t know how I will react if I’m faced with temptation, I might give in or I might not, I don’t know..
Don’t blindly trust me... If I can lie about a small thing like this I can lie about anything...
I lie because it’s the easier way out...
I don’t like being answerable to anyone...
I feel I’m living up to the person I was... I feel my values are not the same anymore... for instance honesty tomorrow it could be my integrity...
I don’t know what I’m saying; I don’t even understand it I think...
I don’t like you being emotionally dependent on me... I would like it if you were stronger emotionally...
The thing I loved most about you was your freedom... never change that about you...